Day 1 - The Day of Two Days
8:32 PM PST (PDT?)
Well, well, well...Welcome to the next chapter of my travels. San Francisco, California. I'm here attending the 2007 International Communication Association Conference. You might remember that last year's was in Dresden, Germany. If not, just scroll down...
Anyways, so it's 8:32 PM (if you forgot that, look up...) and i'm exhausted. This time I have the wonderful company of my girlfriend, Elizabeth Jenkins. It's a lot better to travel with a partner because it gives me someone to talk to instead of the usual conversation i have with myself while sight-seeing. I get fewer weird looks this way...
So, as usual, let's start from the beginning...
I'd say an appropriate start time would be yesterday at about 6:30 PM. This is when the migraine began. One of the worst I've had in about a year. This kept me from getting more than about 45 minutes of sleep. Not necessarily a bad thing because I had a lot of house cleaning to do and didn't start packing until about 2 or 3 AM. Not a fun task to accomplish with a migraine but what are you gonna do? We made our way up to the airport around 7 AM and our flight took off at 8 AM.
The flight had about half of the Department of Telecommunications faculty and grad students aboard. One of my profs joked that if the plane went down there'd be a big problem for the department. Kind of morbid, yet true. Anyways, we arrive at SPO (San Prancisco Oirport?) around 10 AM Pacific Time and I still have a headache.
Oh yeah, one beef here...thanks-a-freaking-lot Northwest airlines for making the coach-seats on your plane sized for toddlers. This is kind of what i looked like for over 4 hours:

And yes, i still had the migraine at this time.
We made our way to the Renoir Hotel which is shaped like an isoceles triangle
or a big wedge of cheese for those non-geometric folks.

It's an old hotel but charming. It's not in the best neighborhood, but nothing too serious.
The activities for the day mainly consisted of walking a LOT. I just looked at a map and noticed we walked nearly 7 miles up and down hills all over downtown. We hit the Port of San Francisco, part of the Mission District, and Haight/Ashbury. All of which were great. The city is so diverse and the weather is nothing to complain about. Mid-60s with a breeze. I took some pictures but for some odd reason the digital camera card reader on my laptop isn't working. Very upsetting. I'll see what i can do with that problem so I hopefully can show you all some of the things I've been looking at. In the mean time, here's an unrelated picture for you all:

Near-death experiences so far: ZERO! (a new record?). All-in-all a good day and I can't wait to fall asleep. Lots to do tomorrow...
8:32 PM PST (PDT?)
Well, well, well...Welcome to the next chapter of my travels. San Francisco, California. I'm here attending the 2007 International Communication Association Conference. You might remember that last year's was in Dresden, Germany. If not, just scroll down...
Anyways, so it's 8:32 PM (if you forgot that, look up...) and i'm exhausted. This time I have the wonderful company of my girlfriend, Elizabeth Jenkins. It's a lot better to travel with a partner because it gives me someone to talk to instead of the usual conversation i have with myself while sight-seeing. I get fewer weird looks this way...
So, as usual, let's start from the beginning...
I'd say an appropriate start time would be yesterday at about 6:30 PM. This is when the migraine began. One of the worst I've had in about a year. This kept me from getting more than about 45 minutes of sleep. Not necessarily a bad thing because I had a lot of house cleaning to do and didn't start packing until about 2 or 3 AM. Not a fun task to accomplish with a migraine but what are you gonna do? We made our way up to the airport around 7 AM and our flight took off at 8 AM.
The flight had about half of the Department of Telecommunications faculty and grad students aboard. One of my profs joked that if the plane went down there'd be a big problem for the department. Kind of morbid, yet true. Anyways, we arrive at SPO (San Prancisco Oirport?) around 10 AM Pacific Time and I still have a headache.
Oh yeah, one beef here...thanks-a-freaking-lot Northwest airlines for making the coach-seats on your plane sized for toddlers. This is kind of what i looked like for over 4 hours:

And yes, i still had the migraine at this time.
We made our way to the Renoir Hotel which is shaped like an isoceles triangle

or a big wedge of cheese for those non-geometric folks.

It's an old hotel but charming. It's not in the best neighborhood, but nothing too serious.
The activities for the day mainly consisted of walking a LOT. I just looked at a map and noticed we walked nearly 7 miles up and down hills all over downtown. We hit the Port of San Francisco, part of the Mission District, and Haight/Ashbury. All of which were great. The city is so diverse and the weather is nothing to complain about. Mid-60s with a breeze. I took some pictures but for some odd reason the digital camera card reader on my laptop isn't working. Very upsetting. I'll see what i can do with that problem so I hopefully can show you all some of the things I've been looking at. In the mean time, here's an unrelated picture for you all:

Near-death experiences so far: ZERO! (a new record?). All-in-all a good day and I can't wait to fall asleep. Lots to do tomorrow...
Hooray for the return of Flyin' Brian!!!
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