Sunday, May 27, 2007

Day 4 - Parties, China, and Baseball

Well, let's start with last night. Elizabeth and I attended the Michigan State party. Open bar and a room full of academics equals good times. Pretty much everyone i knew at the conference attended the party. Those who didn''t regretted not showing...

Here's some pics from it with captions:

Johnny Sparks and Elizabeth having a good time.

Me and Johnny. Brown is in...

Elizabeth and I.

My WSU advisor Rick Busselle and I.

Wow...lots of pictures of me. I got complaints that I never posted pics of myself in Germany. I dunno, it's kind of vain to me, but i must appease the readers. Anyways, onto today!

Well, this morning I had my poster session. We were presenting our Daily Show study. It was a pretty successful event and we had a lot of interest in our poster. From the looks of it more interest than most. Volkan Sahin made our poster look awesome and professional. Here's some pics and captions:

Me, Dr. Julia Fox, and Volkan Sahin in front of our poster. Much coffee was had. coffee.

Dr. James Angelini and Sungkyoung Lee in front of James' poster.

Sungkyoung Lee in front of her poster.

After the ICA-stuff Elizabeth and I decided to go on a walk around the city and see a few different areas. This turned into nearly an 8-mile walk and it felt great! I think i'm already starting to get stronger in my legs with all these hills. So we first went up to Chinatown which was huge. It's supposedly the largest and oldest chinatown in the united states. I believe it...the place was filled with tiny shops selling tiny things. One store we went in sold various herbs and what i can assume are traditional chinese medicines. I couldn't even tell what most of the stuff in the store was but it was interesting. The neighborhood also featured a ton of traditional chinese architecture. Here's some pictures:

Here's a Bank of America

Another bank with cool architecture.

Next we made a long walk toward the San Francisco Bay and walked down the shore to AT&T park which is the home of the San Francisco Giants. This is a newer park and is unique because if a player hits a homerun out of the park it will fly into the bay. Every game there are a bunch of small boats that wait for the balls. Here's the outside of the park where the balls fly out:

And here's the front gate:

We next walked all the way back to the hotel and have been taking it easy. Big day of travelling tomorrow.

Till then,



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